Susan Troy Cloth
Meet the Maker, Susan Troy, of Susan Troy Cloth, an organic cloth textile designer from North Smithfield, Rhode Island. Susan paints gorgeous wildflower and abstract patterns on organic cotton, bamboo and linen fabrics creating one-of-a-kind throw pillows, table runners, cloth napkins and kitchen hand towels.

Susan speaks fondly of her early introduction to color theory when she mixed oil and watercolor paints for her artist mother. Her mom also taught her hand stitching and sewing techniques that she honed to make doll clothes, quilts, bags and eventually her own clothing. If she wanted a new skirt, she had to make it. But whether she was making a quilt or a new library bag, she often felt frustrated by the limited fabric choices she had access to. Her knack for improvising with the fabric she had on-hand was essential and yet, still limited her creativity.
As a young adult Susan pursued a degree in textile design and learned to use dyes, resists, paint, stitching and digital design to create the kinds of fabric options she wished she’d had growing up. Her process now is to create and paint the abstract design on cloth turning them into functional pieces for the home.
Susan is committed to sustainability and only uses all-natural and organic fabrics and non-toxic paints. She buys local, American-made supplies and researches organic farms to discover the latest in farm to fiber techniques. Her motivation to work sustainably shows in her own creative processes and the products she brings to market.
When asked about the goal that drives her business Susan says, “I want to create a brand of contemporary textiles by using healthy, sustainable practices and traditional techniques. Whether it be a unique pillow on a new sofa, a charming set of napkins for a friends’ lunch or a table runner on a custom-made farm table I want my designs to contribute to individual style. I’m creating yardage for makers looking for unusual cloth to complete their own unique vision.”
Check out Susan Troy Cloth at The Dowry to find uncommon home textiles that complement your personal style.
Welcome To Susan Troy Cloth!
“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” - Mark Twain.
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